Excited/proud momma moment I have to share: ❤❤❤The most incredible thing I’ve ever read was waiting in my mail box when we returned home from vacation. A letter from our scout talking about how his old life was D-O-N-E. How he wanted to enroll in North Idaho College a.s.a.p after he gets the rest of his credits (something he was interested in “eventually” but not too soon for fear of having to “grow up too fast” while he ran around making choices sure to make that an impossibility🙄). He talked about how he journals every night, writes down pretty much everything he is thinking (are you kidding me lol…WOW amazing) He was excited about a class (yeah like a school related class that he put in for and got). He was excited about how much better he has gotten at math😳…WHO IS THIS KID??? I’m so totally blown away by this letter. There are many seemingly small but HUGE successes in there. Wow….just wow and kudos IDYCA staff! No matter what struggles he has moving forward this letter shows me how capable he is and it will show him too. He is starting to see who he really is and who he can be. So awesome. So thankful to God and to IDYCA. Praying for breakthroughs daily for all our kids. I’m LOVING seeing them and seeing the changes in them!!