…thankful for peace in our home!

Today I tell [my son] that his dad and I are very proud of him. I said, “do you remember that everything was a fight before. So many arguments and we haven’t even argued about anything since you graduated IDYCA. We have had serious conversation,but no fighting. How did you make that change so drastically.” He answered, “I went away for a semester And did ALOT of push ups!” And then smiled and walked away.

Thank you IDYCA for changing life for our family. Thank you for recommending Love and Logic for teens. I can’t believe how freeing it has been to let him try and maybe fail and know that those consequences (even though they may be huge ones) are his. My new job is to be there for him when he needs guidance and support, but I no longer jump on his crazy train! So very thankful for peace in our home!