Send a Note of Encouragement


Know how you can support our current IDYCA youth, and make a big impact? Anyone can do it…and it only costs a few moments of time, and a stamp. #snailmailrevival

Some of our Cadets-in-Residence never receive mail during the nightly mail call. This, of course, is disheartening, and it increases the youth’s discouragement and his/her desire to quit the program. Words of encouragement, from even a stranger, is important for success, as it can make the world of difference between sticking it out, or choosing to give in to the homesickness.

So, if you are willing to serve in this small way, please send, via snail mail, a note, card, postcard, etc. to:

Special Cadet (or the youth’s name, if you know someone in-residence)
117 Timberline Drive
Pierce, ID 83546

And please share! I challenge our supporters to overflow that mail truck…there is no such thing as too much mail.  Thank you!